D.C. Blogger Meet Ups
Whether you're new to the area or just want to get more involved with the D.C. blogging community, here's how you can meet some of the other people who live and blog in D.C.
Monthly Happy Hour and Dinner:
Every third Wednesday of the month, a group of D.C. bloggers gets together for dinner or happy hour. Our meet ups are super casual and just an excuse to get a bunch of fun people together. Feel free to drop by when you can, but don't feel bad if you can't make it everyone.
If you're interested in joining our group, shoot me an email (jess@jessruns.com) and I can send you the link to sign up for our email list.
Join the Facebook Group:
We're always up for trying new things and having fun reasons to get together more often. If you're looking for a running buddy, want to get a group of people to catch a movie or a Nats game, share it with our Facebook group to see who's interested. Request to join the group.
Twitter List:
Looking for a way to follow your favorite D.C. Tweeps? The hard work has been done for you: just add this Twitter list as a column in your Tweetdeck. Oh and don't forget to Tweet with our awesome hashtag: #dcFTW. If you're not on the Twitter list but want to be, shoot me an email and I'll add you!