
Home Two Days and Then More Beach

by - Sunday, August 12, 2007

Here's just a quick vacation update. I promise to post pictures when I get back to school and have the cord that connects my camera to my computer.

General thoughts:
South Carolina is HUMID. Very very humid. (The heat index held steady between 110 and 115 while we where there).

Got up to run on Sunday, my first day there with my mom. Left at 6 a.m. and it was already 80 degrees + humidity. (ICK!) Ran three miles at about a 10 minute pace. Walked the last mile and a half because the humidity was awful.

Monday my legs and my mom's legs were dead tired from fighting the waves all day on Monday. We walked the entire 4.5 miles.

Tuesday, scheduled rest day. I got a stomach dealy and missed a day at the beach :o( But it went away by Wed. So no biggie.

Didn't run on Wed. for fear of upsetting my stomach.

Planned runs on Thursday and Friday didn't happen. Thursday because there was no way I could wear a sports bra with the sunburn on my shoulders. (I made it so far through the week without sunburn....but I guess it was bouind to happen eventually!) Friday I had my alarm all set, but when it went off at 5:45 I was exhausted because the girls I shared a room with kept me up way late. (I mean we were on vacation it wasn't a huge deal, but I would have liked to get Friday's run in.)

So all in all, it was a fairly lazy week. I mean I got a serious workout every day in the ocean fighting the tides, so that counts for something. Just not the quality miles I had hoped to put in.

I'm not too upset though because I did have one extra week built into the training plan. So it won't be a huge set back. Tomorrow I'm going to get up early get in a solid run at home before I head back to College Park.

Then I leave for the beach again. This time Ocean City, MD. And only for three days. I'm going with two friends from high school and some of their friends from college. It should be a good time.

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  1. Enjoy all your beach time!

  2. Enjoy the rest of the vacation. Great job on the running.

  3. You're on vacation! ENJOY IT! hehehe! You can run when you get back!

  4. Anonymous1:03 PM

    It sounds like you're still getting exercise. Enjoy your time off! Running in that humidity is brutal, anyway.

  5. stop rubbing it in that you get to go beaching again while we...can't! :)
