
Well it's about time...

by - Monday, September 10, 2007

...that I put up some race pictures.

The first three are the ones I took:
Me with my mom at the finish line.

Check out the blister!

And another blister shot because I've kept you waiting so long for these pictures haha!

The rest of the pictures are the ones from the professional people. Not great, but not terrible.

Finishing up down the boardwalk.

Crossing the finish line.

Almost crossing the finish line (Yea these are in no order whatsoever!)

So very close.

This is definitely my favorite picture out of all of them....too bad my head got chopped off.

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  1. Those pictures aren't too bad :-) Course, I have no history to compare, but I liked them!! Glad to hear you like soccer! Me too!! Woo hoo! Hope you are feeling better...

  2. Great pics! That blister is disgusting.

  3. YAY!!! Those pics are GREAT chica!!! I must say that blister gave me the heebie jeebies. NASTY!! LOL

  4. Those are great pics! They took so many, that is really fun! Sorry about your blister though. Owie!

  5. Anonymous6:31 PM

    That was a tough run, but you look so happy through it! And the blisters, ick, but thanks for sharing - its the reality part of the fun of racing.

  6. Great pics! Thanks for sharing the nasty blister! :) Atleast it wasn't the lack of a toenail!

  7. wow.. what an awesome blister pic!

  8. Blisters....ewww!

    Great pictures!

  9. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Great pictures. (Except for that nasty blister!) Looks like a good day for a run! Hope the feet have recovered.

  10. did you have a rock in your shoe?? :)

    nice photos!

  11. Great run! I did the VABeach also - what a fun race!
