Steps in the right direction

by - Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sorry I dropped off the face of the Earth for a few days there. I've been busy, busy with work and life in general. And I have to apologize for a falling a little behind on my blog reading. I've been trying to play catch up. The other day Google Reader told me I was 80 posts behinds. Yikes!

Physical therapy went well this week. I haven't had my knee taped all week and I've been able to get through everything they've been giving me. Today they upped my time on the treadmill to seven minutes and I ran all seven at 6 mph with no tape.

My knee doesn't feel weak anymore, which is good. I had my 30 day evaluation today and they asked me how far I think I've progressed since I started. I said about 95%. I don't think I'm back completely yet, but I'm getting there.

They also told me that I could start slowing adding distance to my runs. I'm really going to try to get something between three and five miles in sometime before therapy on Monday. I'm going to be gone this weekend for my friend's wedding though, so I have no idea when I'm going to try to fit it in.

(P.S. I've been doing a lot of thinking about things lately and after the wedding I will have a longer post explaining my new goals for the rest of the year in light of the injury and everything.)

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  1. Sounds good, chica!! Real good ;D ;D Alright!

  2. That's great news :-) You know... Given your history of fitness, I know you can work hard to make your knees as strong as they need to be! I have confidence in you chica!!!

  3. Sometimes life gets busy and blogging takes back seat. It ain't no thang!

  4. Sounds great! Glad the healing is going so well.. Enjoy the wedding this weekend.

  5. Sweet!! You're getting there!!!

  6. Awesome news. Continue with the rehab. Running will be waiting.

  7. Keep it coming back slow and steady. You're getting there!

  8. Just 80 some posts behind . . . you're doing great! I'm looking at 830 on my Unread Feeds . . . make that 829 now that I've read your post. :)

    Glad to hear that your healing is going well - hooray!
