
Busy busy busy

by - Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Man I feel like I haven't had a second to catch my breath since this weekend. I've been filling in for one of my co-workers at work who's out for a family emergency and I've been trying to finish up all of my work that I need to finish by my last day on Friday.

I spent about four hours packing last night and tonight I'm going down to D.C. to look at another place to live. Then I'm going back down again Thursday night to look at another one. I really hope one of them works out. I'm starting to stress out about being homeless in a few weeks.

In the workout world, I haven't had much going on. I ran a 5K with my friend on Sunday.

We did OK, but the course was kind of crappy. It was an out and back, which I don't mind. Except this course was completely downhill the first half and up a huge hill on the way back. We clocked out first mile in 8:36 because we gravity was pulling us down the hill so fast. Unfortunately we hit mile two at 19:46 and then finished at at 30:50 according to the official times. The hills were brutal and there was just no way I could sustain my normal pace over the race course. 

I was disappointed in my time, but Amy and I  had a really great time and it was a beautiful day, so I can't complain too much. I'll just need to find a different race to Shave my 5K.

Oh and in other news...it's official.

I registered for the National Marathon on March 21 in D.C. Training starts next Monday. I sure as heck hope I have my living situation figured out by then. I don't want to be skipping runs at the beginning of training because I'm busy looking for a place to live.

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  1. All smiles :-) You can do it!! Good luck with the living situation!!! I'm sure you'll find a place to keep you happy.

  2. That sounds like a challenging 5k! You still did awesome with it!

    I am excited to follow you and your marathon training adventures!

  3. ohhh congrats on signing up!!! cant wait to hear how your training goes.

    good luck finding a new place this week... something will come along!

    also congrats on a tough 5k!

  4. A hilly 5K so nice hill training right :-)
    You had fun that is what 5K's are about sometimes. Way to register for the marathon! It is official now!
    Good luck with finding the perfect place in DC I know moving can be so stressful.

  5. Good luck with training for the National Marathon! And extra good luck looking for a new apartment!

  6. You sure don't live a boring life!

  7. Hey - I did a hilly 5K last March, and did basically the same time! Hills can be brutal!! : )

  8. GREAT job on a not so good (course wise) 5k!

    Ooooooo marathon training! YAY!!

  9. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Sounds like a tough 5K - not one for anyone to try and break records on! Good luck with finding a new place and starting your training!

  10. Sweet! national marathon in march? great choice. starting the training plan is the hardest part.

    and moving creates one of the most stressful times you will ever see. OMG i hate it. it gets even worse when you have a spouse and kids and more than one pickup truck load of stuff. I'm trying to move the fam about 5 hours north to raleigh nc right now. it's absurdly stressful.

  11. i don't know why you are not happy with that time on a hilly course.

    and glad that the marathon is official now. woot!

  12. Congrats for signing up for the marathon. Good job on what sounds like a pretty brutal 5-K course. Good luck finding a new home. Cheers.

  13. Hi Jess

    You've got some really exciting things going on right now and that is such a cool thing. I went to D.C. for the first time last year after the Richmond marathon and absolutely loved it. I'll even admit to being a little jealous.

    Glad to hear you took the plunge on a marathon. Its great to have that out there to keep you motivated.

    Best of luck.

  14. WOOHOO!!! Signing up for a mary...that is exciting!

  15. Good luck finding housing, and congrats on your marathon registration!

  16. You'll do great! Enjoy the training.. its almost as much fun as the race!
