
Odds and Ends

by - Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just a few quick things:

* I start my new job teaching yoga tonight. I planned out my class on the metro on the way to work and I'm thinking it should go pretty well.

* I got a shout out from Razz in this week's edition of the LoungeCast for one of my super lame running excuses.

* Speaking of the Runner's Lounge, I changed my ID name. When I registered I signed up with jmilceti, the log-in I use for things not related to running. Yea, not sure why. Just habit I guess. Anyway, I created a new account this morning. So my new Lounge ID is RunGirl (RunGirlRun was already taken....curses). Feel free to send me messages and such to that account. I'll work on adding you all back in as Lounge friends soon, but if I miss you/am taking too long, friend me too!

* Woke up insanely late this morning (6:29 a.m.) Somehow managed to get my butt dressed, out the door and on the metro by 6:39 (that last possible train I can catch and still get to work only a few minutes late). Good news, my knee didn't hurt tooo much in my mad dash from house to metro and metro to work. Maybe that's a good sign for the 5K this weekend!

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  1. haha! great test for the 5K! :-)

  2. Ten minutes to get ready! Wow. That's gotta be a record, right?

  3. 10 minutes?!? Dang girl did you even get to brush the teef? :P

  4. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Have fun tonight at class!! Hope all goes well.

  5. TEN minutes?!?! wow that is pretty awesome :) have fun at your class tonight!

  6. Good luck with your first yoga class tonight. I know it will be fantastic.

  7. 6:30 am is insanely late? Man I am spoiled! Nice job getting ready in 10 minutes :) Good luck with yoga!

  8. Have fun teaching your yoga class. Let us know how it goes!!

  9. wow 10 minutes to get up and out the door! did everything match? ;)

    good luck tonight in your first class!

  10. Oh good luck with the 5k!
