
Blog roll update

by - Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Well I've mostly finished re-doing my blog format. I'm really happy with the new look. It's a little brighter, a little more colorful and just in general looks more engaging.

Along with my style revision, my blog roll is in desperate need of updating. I got really lazy about it once I started using Google Reader, but I promise to be better about it now. Let me know if you want a little link love. If I'm a normal reader/commenter of your blog chances are I have every intention of putting you in there, but leave me a note so I don't forget anyone. If you're a new Run Girl Run reader I'd love to check out your blog and include you in the list too so don't be shy about commenting!

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  1. Don't FORGET ME!!! LOL. How did you get three columns? I would love that!

  2. New format looks great!

  3. Nice! I like the new look

  4. Wow looks great!! Did you do this yourself? I've been working on redoing my blog too, it's a longer process than I thought it would be!

  5. Love the new look!

  6. erm, hi. :D

    I love reading your blog, and would your feedback on mine if you have time, sometime. :D

    the new look is awesome! good work!!


  7. I really like your new blog look.

  8. I love the new picture in your header! And I like the new design too. (But the picture is my favorite part!)

  9. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Love the new look. I'm impressed and a little jealous.

  10. love the new look. great use for race bibs! i always save those things to, and have no idea why.

    and you better add some link love to the blogroll.

  11. I know for a fact that Carolina John is a FAT @$$ so race bibs are definitely NOT the only kind of bibs he's familiar with!1!

    In conclusion ... Carolina John is a Fat @$$.

    But he's good to his mother. So there's that.

  12. Looks great around here! Love the photo.

  13. LOVE the new look!!

  14. excuuuuuuuuuuse me. please add me! :)

    love the new look! think i might (try to) steal some of your widgets.

  15. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Like the format. I wish I could figure out how to make my banner pretty like yours. :)

  16. I'm a lurker, but I love the new look!

  17. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I really like the banner. nice job!

  18. blog is looking good!!

    I use the tool in blogger that you can import from your google reader. I had the problem of forgetting to update my list all the time.

  19. Ooh I like it! Especially the header!

  20. Nice! It is fun to spice things up with a new look. You may just inspire me to make some changes over on my blog . . . if I can get up the energy to do it!

  21. It's nice to see a change from the usual format. I like the header. I'd love to have you visit my new blog.
