Feeling better and tentative plans

by - Friday, March 27, 2009

Yoga helped bust some of my stress that I mentioned in yesterday's post. I have a more calm perspective about the MVA. It's still driving me nuts, but I'm just trying to do one thing at a time. Like this weekend, I will tackle the state safety inspection.

This weekend my little bro is also going to be in town for a big lacrosse tournament at Maryland. My brother plays for Temple and I don't get to see him play a ton so I'm really looking forward to seeing him Saturday.

In other quick news:
* Last night was my last Thursday night yoga class. Starting next week I will be teaching on Wednesdays instead.
* I got in a quick lifting session last night after yoga. I focused a lot on my legs with some of the exercises I learned in PT. Trying to keep that knee strong!
* XC2 suggested I get a big old calendar and figure out which races I really want to do (and are affordable) so I can have a better focus. It's a great idea and I'm going to try to look into that this weekend.
* Also going on that calendar will be more schedule strength training workouts.
* Tentatively my plan for now will be run for fun with no real training goals until the beginning of June, then kick it up a notch for RnR Va. Beach.
* Another other bloggers thinking about doing RnR Va. Beach?

Ok that's it for me. Hope you all have a great weekend and thanks so much for your support on yesterday's post!

(Photo note: That's my "little" brother playing lax. He's actually much bigger than I am, but because he's younger I can still call him little.)

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  1. haha! You can probably still kick his butt too ;-)

  2. I also think it's a good idea to figure out which races you really want to do - put them on a calendar - and use that for focus.

    Have fun picking out your races!!

  3. i like to plan out my races well in advance too. Something about having it 6 months away makes it easier for me to pay the race fee. I've missed several good 5k or 10k races locally just because I got paranoid about paying the fee the week of the race.

    i keep a small monthly folding calendar on the desk that i write down important training plan parts and races on. That helps me track everything.

  4. Have a beer!

    Woo-hoo! Got my old job back! IN YER FACE, MARCY!1!

    Temple is one of my many alma maters. My undergrad alma mater, in fact.

    Glad to hear you're better, sister. THAT BEER Marcy recommended yesterday seems to have helped. Which is ironic because she knows SQUAT about beer, yet she stumbles onto this great advice for you.

    I guess that's why she's Teh Marcy.

  5. have a great weekend!!!!

  6. Glad to hear you're more calm about what's going on and taking everything one step at a time!

  7. That sounds cool to see your brother play lacrosse. I REALLY like yoga. I've just started doing it recently. I need to make more time to do it!

  8. It's hard for me to prioritize races because I want to do so many. But yeah, eventually time and money are the winners!

  9. i need to figure out and plan my racing schedule too to stay focused. good luck with yours! glad you are still gonna be able to continue a yoga class as well!

  10. glad to hear yoga helped. have a great weekend w/ your little brother!

  11. Thanks for the shout-out. :o} I hope you're able to find a great mix of awesome races to do this year.

  12. I know what you mean about races.. there are always so many going on, and they all cost money.

    For me, I generally look for the race that's the farthest distance for the cheapest price. Haha.

    I'm really considering doing the Baltimore 10 Miler so I may see you there.

  13. I hope you're able to fill your calendar with races that work well for you!

  14. I'm glad that you're feeling better!! :D

    I do looooove scheduling and calendars, so I hope you have fun filling that bad boy up!!

