
Pics, pics, pics

by - Thursday, May 07, 2009

Here are some pictures from the beach! I'll post the rest to Facebook if you want to check out more.

South of the Border...the epitome of classy
The sub title says "You're always a Weiner at Pedro's"
Turtles in the lake outside our loft.
With my friends Emily and Sam by the lazy river
Overcast the first day.
Me, Sam and Amy soaking up the sun.
Emily and I at Broadway at the Beach
Jumping for joy because I love the beach.

Terrified of the shark that looks like it's about to eat me.
Holding my winning mini golf scorecard.

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  1. OMFG HAHAHHAAA I totally remember South Of The Border! Man, when I was in 6th grade our fam drove down to Florida and we stopped there. I can ONLY imagine how "nice" it looks now HAHAHAA

  2. yea we like to laugh at south of the border too. I didn't know you were coming to south carolina!!?! of course, i'm on the other side of the state from mb.

    looks like you had a really good time!

  3. Love the picture of you jumping!!!! Looks like you had a great vacation!!!

  4. Hahaha. Looks like great fun!!

  5. I'm totally jealous! But I'm glad you had a great trip!

  6. So So So fun!! I should hang out with Pedro I think!

  7. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Looks like you had a blast. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Looks like a great time, Jess! Love the pic of you jumping by the ocean! Too cool!

  9. Looks like a lot of fun! But the beach doesn't look all that warm. Maybe I'm just used to FL beaches.

  10. So much HAWTNESS in one place :-)

  11. What a great trip. (Man, I need a vacation.)

  12. that looks so fun! those south of the border signs are ridiculous...i saw them roadtripping over spring break. did you stop at it?

  13. great pics. i need to get my butt to the beach! the jumping pic is awesome and you look super tiny on top of that :)

  14. Way to rock that bikini, sister!

  15. love the pics!!! looks like a great vacation :)

  16. looks like you guys had a great vacation :-) I'm embarrassed to admit I've stopped at South of the Border before hahaha
