This and that

by - Friday, May 22, 2009

Got my hair cut last night, but skipped my run because my hair appointment was at 6:30 and with D.C. rush hour traffic I was almost late getting to the salon even though I left work at 4:30.

Didn't finish at the salon until 7:45. Stopped to pick up some things at the grocery store after and then got home at like 8:30.

The rest of the night went like this. Make dinner, sit down and relax, go to bed.

I'm so looking forward to the weekend. I came in to the office obnoxiously early this morning so I could bolt out of here around 3:30.

I've got a cookout tonight with the BF's fam for his grandfather and stepdad's birthdays and then another one on Sunday with friends. I've got a schedule eight miler on Saturday and I might also be trying to catch a baseball game Saturday. It's going to be a busy weekend, but it's shaping up to be a lot of fun!

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  1. Have a great weekend, Jess!

  2. enjoy your long weekend jess! get out there and run and have some fun!

  3. Enjoy the weekend!!

  4. Where's the picture of the new 'do, sister?

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Yeah, I second Glaven: Where's the pic?

  6. Oooh, I have a scheduled 8-miler Saturday morning too! I will be thinking of you on my run :-)

  7. Busy nights can be so tiring! I hope your enjoy your weekend!

  8. ooh boy a 3 hour errand! yucko. (i'm so not a fan of running errands - lazy) hope you are having a great weekend and were able to get your run in!

  9. I love long-weekend cookouts. They alwyas have the best food!

  10. What no photos of the new 'do?

  11. Your weekend plans sounded busy! I hope they went well :)
