
More Metro problems and three miles in the bag

by - Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I'm pretty sure the Red Line is doing everything in it's power to keep me from getting home at a normal hour to get my run in. Last night right after 4 p.m. a man was struck and killed by a Metro train one stop from the one I take to get home. The reports are saying the man was intentionally on the tracks. (Meaning he was most likely trying to kill himself.)

Metro suicide attempts aren't the most uncommon thing in the world, but I mean come on...seriously...on the Red Line again! After what happened last week. Unreal.

So my commute was again messed up last night. But this time I knew before I left work and a friend offered to have me take her Metro line home and then she'd drive me to my house. Thank God for good friends!

I got home later than normal, but it's okay because I got to catch up with a friend I hadn't seen in a while (looking for the positives here). After helping my roommate fix her wireless, I was finally able to get my three miles in.

I'm glad I didn't leave until later because holy crap was it humid. It felt like I was running through water. I toughed it out though and finished my three miles in 28:54. I had a little bit of nagging in my left leg around mile 1.5 but I kept going because it wasn't too bad. I noticed my form getting a little wonky at the end of the run and I'm not sure what that was about, just something I'll have to pay attention to from now on.

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  1. you're having a string of bad luck with that metro line. hopefully things will settle down soon.

    good job getting the 3miler in though!

  2. Not that it's ever good to commit suicide, but what terrible timing in light of the recent accident.

  3. What's a girl got to do to get a boring commute home? Good job fitting in teh run.

  4. yea, that just sux. Temps are cooling down a bit here. I hope some of this makes it up that far!!

  5. That stinks about the Metro. Temps have also been a lot cooler here this week, after the nasty storms that rolled through this past weekend. You would never think it was almost July!

  6. Nice job on your 3 miler!

  7. gah... I used to take Bart (bay area's form of the metro) and I hated when it would get messed up. Totally ruins your day.

  8. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Hope you have a smooth commute home today!

  9. the little bit of tree hugger in me hates being car dependent but it is a bit of a "luxury" compared to public transpo. (that and buses/trains do not exist here). too bad you can't just run home!

  10. Thank goodness for good friends to give you rides! Good job getting the run done even if it was later than planned.

  11. Bummer about the metro. Double bummer about humidity.
