
Man I missed tennis

by - Thursday, July 02, 2009

My friend from PA. that I used to play tennis with all the time last summer and fall was in town yesterday before shipping off for the Peace Corp next week. We took advantage of our being in the same general area to get some tennis in for old time's sake and for a killer work out.

We played for about an hour and I have to say it was one of my better performances. My friend suggested that I look into joining a league, but I'm not that good, yet. I do miss having someone to play with though. Since moving to D.C. I've picked up my racket a whopping two times, including last night.

Hmmm, maybe I can get the BF to play with me sometime...

Tennis is seriously a kick ass workout. I was chasing balls all over the court because now that I've got more tennis skillz than when I started my friend has taken to playing much more up to his usual good self, rather than just hitting the ball over nicely so I could return it.

I figure the bursts of speed to chase down balls are probably helpful to my running in some small way too!

This morning my right shoulder is a little sore from swinging the racket. It's nothing that I can't deal with. It's just reminding me that it hadn't been used in a while.

I may look into leagues or lessons or something so I can maybe find someone to play with once a week or so. I'm not looking for a huge time commitment, just someone to hit the ball with.

Anyway, that's all I've got for today. Hope you all have a great 4th! I'm not sure what my exact plans are yet, but I'm sure they'll involve watching fireworks somewhere!

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  1. Now that you mention it, I miss my tennis too. I used to play a whole bunch and it was a great workout.

    Have an awesome 4th!

  2. It's great to stay active in different ways that you enjoy. I hope you can intergrate tennis into your schedule somehow!

  3. I want to start playing tennis too! There are courts at my pool and I always think about getting a racket. I could use the exercise.

  4. There are probably leagues that incorporate a variety of skill levels; I bet you're more than good enough to join something like that!

  5. I like to play tennis too, but I don't play often et alles.... Surely a league would have different levels of play! They encourage everyone, do they not? Have a great fourth!

  6. i've always heard tennis is a good workout. but i've always been more into golf. it's kind of rare you find people who enjoy golf and tennis.

  7. I was chasing balls all over the court ...

    That's why I keep mine in my n*ts@ck!1!


    (Is your roommate turned on yet? If so, could you go get her? I'll wait. I've got this n*ts@ck to keep me busy in the meantime ...)

  8. I used to randomly play tennis with my dad, and I was always surprised at how winded I would get from running around the court!

  9. Glaven, I was worried you had lost your touch when you missed a prime opportunity the "down the manhole" headline. But luckily you have redeemed yourself. And now we all know what you do in your spare time. Welcome back!

    -Jess's HAWT roommate

  10. I had no idea you played tennis!!! Come play with me!!! I used to be hard-core into it, especially in high school, but I still have some racquets in my apartment. I taught Tad how to play too so if Matt's interested, we could do mixed doubles -- haha oh boy! -- also we need to still do bikram!

  11. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I haven't played tennis is a long time. When I was growing up we use to play all the time during the summer. There was a park close by with lighted courts.

  12. I signed up for tennis classes (group) through the community programs. We worked on our game for the first hour and then played games the second hour. It was nice to play a bunch of different people and improve my game...you should try something fun like that if you miss the game :)

  13. If I didn't live in WI I'd play tennis with you! Like you, I haven't found anyone to play with yet and I miss it. Such a good workout. And hitting the ball hard? Good stress reliever. :)

  14. Oooh tennis! Love mixin up the workouts.

  15. I've always wanted to learn and it's just one of those things I've never done. Way to mix up the workouts and have some fun!

  16. tennis is such a good workout! i'm definitely no-good at it though. hope you are able to find some people to play with occasionally.

  17. Jess,
    I may have found a tennis partner for you. ask me about it at work tamale.

  18. Oh I love tennis! I"m horrific which makes it a much better workout :) thought on Wii I'm pretty good..but see not as good of a workout! who knew I'd be so proud to suck
