
Canceled yoga and a three miler

by - Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The policy at the gym where I teach yoga is that if no one shows up to class by 15 minutes after the class starts, the teacher gets to leave and still gets paid.

Lucky me that's what happened last night. It's the first time since I taught the really really early class at UMD that I've actually had no one show up. I was pretty grateful though. I just wasn't feeling yoga last night and I was able to come home and head out for a quick three mile run instead.

By the time I left for the run it was about 8 p.m. and the sun had set so the temperature wasn't too uncomfortable. I didn't notice the humidity until close to the end of the run when the air really felt thick and hard to breath as I charged up a serious uphill on the way home.

I thought I was going to make it the whole way without having to stop and walk, but one of the very last hills did me in and I walked for a minute or so.

My left leg acted up again, but not to the extent it was last week. I've been really stretching it out and I think that's helping.

In BF training news, he hit the treadmill at the gym tonight and did 1.5 miles, but said his knee still nagged him, although it wasn't too bad. I'm hoping maybe that if we can at least build his endurance up by the end of the summer he'll be able to finish the race even if he has to walk most of it.

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  1. That stinks about the humidity changing towards the end of your run. I think I could run in heat if it wasn't so humid out!

  2. Sometimes it's nice to have a change in plans in order to fit something else in. Nice job on the run!

  3. Woo-hoo! Yoga bailout money! Your yoga class is too big to fail!

    The trail I ran in SS was the Mathew Henson Trail. It's 4.2 miles long, end-to-end, but I didn't run the whole thing and I didn't start at the beginning and a couple miles of my run were on the streets of the community my friend lives in.

    Odd, I was in your state (and city) this past weekend and you were in mine. State, not city.

    I kept my eyes peeled for any HAWT roommates, but who could concentrate with that incessant beeping?

  4. HI Jess

    Sometimes as runners we have to take what the body is willing to give us. I give you all the credit in the world for knowing your limits and respecting them. I know you wanted to do the whole run without walking, but at least you are smart enough to not push too much. As I type this, I am looking at the picture of you and the BF and thinking "What a great looking couple!".

    Best of luck with everything.

  5. nobody showed up for yoga? Blasphemous!!! but... it has a silver lining :-)

  6. Glad to hear your leg is feeling better!

  7. A nice change of plans and still got paid! yay! Glad to hear the leg isn't as bad - nice job on the humid 3 miles.

  8. Yay for free money! Hopefully that leg heals up quick. Take care.

  9. Take the day off and get paid? Sweeet..
