
Who gets strep throat in the middle of summer

by - Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Apparently I do and I've got a sinus infection to go right along with it. After I wasn't feeling so hot yesterday, I made a doctor's appointment and after she looked into my mouth for like two seconds she was like oh my gosh that's strep.

At least she could give me medicine.

Funny thing is, I feel worse today than I did yesterday, at least in terms of the sinus infection part. It kind of hurts to look at my computer monitor and I really feel the pressure in my head. Booo.

I'm working from home today so I'm still going to try to put in a full day, since I can take as many naps as I need. No running or anything though. Booo again.

Awe well I'm cuddled in my bed and hopefully I can kick this thing soon so I can at least go to work tomorrow.

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  1. get some POM wonderful, the blueberry kind if you can take the flavor (it's my fav flavor). that stuff will kick a sinus infection faster than any antibiotic will. my chiro turned me on to the stuff years ago.

    Be well sister!

  2. Don't listen to John's commercial. Prepare three ounces of whiskey, neat, and consume with the quickness. It will knock out the strep, sinus infection and you.

    Get better. Cheers!

  3. "Soon"? Don't they make you take meds for like 10 days straight for that? During which time you can't drink any alcohol?

    My advice?

    Drink lots of alcohol! Don't let Big Temperance push you around, sister!

    Failing that, you could always try "Dr. Cletus's All-Purpose Medicate-ifying Nostrumical Elixir For What Ails Ya, Guaranteed To Balance Your Bodily Humors Or Double Your Money-- HEY!1! WHAT'S THAT OVER THERE?1!"

    [Dr. Carolina Cletus flees town just ahead of a disgruntled mob with a noose AND a rail AND tar and feathers.]

  4. Oh no! That's terrible. Rest up and get well soon.

  5. Oh, sorry to hear that. Feel better!!

  6. dont mess withs strep.... get better! :-)

  7. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Hope you feel better.

  8. That is no fun. I hope you feel better soon!

  9. Take your drugs, chase them with beer, and get some rest!

  10. Being sick sucks. Feel better soon!

  11. hope you are feeling better girl! (if you've survived all the booze prescribed above) :)

  12. Oh no! I hope you're feeling better!

  13. Props for keeping the illness at home :)
