
Feels like Fall 6 miles

by - Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Some nice cool air crept into the D.C. area yesterday and so when I got home from work it was the perfect temperature to go out for a nice run. I was so excited that I didn't have to wait until 7 or 8 p.m. to start running and I could head out the door by 5:30. I'll be sad to say goodbye to summer, but I won't miss running at weird times to avoid the heat.

I was a little nervous that my nasty blister would give me a problem, so I covered it with a Band-aid (it's all I had) and hoped for the best. Lucky for me, that little Band-Aid stayed put the whole time and I could hardly tell the blister was there!

I had mapped out a course that would be 7 miles long at it's longest, but had lots of options for shortening depending on how I felt. I felt really great through the first three miles and even the hills weren't feeling all that bad. I opted to take the course extension to add another two miles.

This extension was on roads I'd never run on before, but they all had sidewalks so I wasn't too worried about traffic. What did surprise me though were the monster hills I encountered. One was super short, but I felt like I was running straight up. It was so steep I could barely keep my momentum going forward with running so I walked it. The next hill was longer but less steep. I trucked it up that one (and then got cat-called by some trashtastic dudes strolling on the sidewalk...some people are so classy)

I got stuck at a lot of traffic lights toward the end of my run and opted not to add the last loop because my legs were beat and I was starving. In total my run ended up being about 6.4 miles. I don't have an exact time because I forgot to restart my watch after one of the traffic lights, but I think it was probably something like 1:06 or 1:07 if I had to take a guess. (My watch said 1:04, and I'm guessing it was probably two or three minutes before I forgot to turn it back on).

The weather was great and I felt pretty good during the whole run. I was only mildly annoyed that I got stuck at 5 million stop lights. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping the weather gods will grace Virginia Beach with some nice cooler temps for the race this weekend!

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  1. this cool front is fantastic isn't it? wow, I can't wait to get back out there too.

  2. cool temps are perfect for running. i'll be hoping you ahve cool temps for the race!

  3. Glad you had such a nice run! I would love some fall weather here, but sadly that's still a few months away!

  4. I hate when I'm really into a run, and then I hit ALLL the traffic lights! Or when you really want an excuse to stop, but you get all green lights, haha.

    Fall is t

  5. Oops! I hit post too soon! I meant to say that fall is teasing us...and it's so good!

  6. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Hope the weather stays nice and cooler for you and all those racing this weekend. Yesterday was the first day we got a break from the heat and humidity, it was wonderful!

  7. Traffic lights? In the DC area?

    Surely you jest, sister!

    Did they talk to you?

    Did they have big, jiggly boobs with money between them?

    O, yes, I caught Teh BF's comment!

    And I don't have one of those!

    I have two ...

  8. this weather has been awesome! i am definitely enjoying a little bit of a break. i hope it stays semi-cool for rnr this weekend for sure. i always LOVE getting holla'd at while running....

  9. I hope the weather is just perfect for your race. Good luck!

  10. I agree, I'm loving the fall-like weather as well! Nice job on the run and good luck this weekend!
