
Wonky sleep schedule

by - Friday, November 20, 2009

As part of Back on Track Month I wanted to really work on getting at least eight hours of sleep each night. This week I have failed miserably.

First I got sucked into a really good book and was up until 11:30 or midnight two nights in a row reading it.

Then I went to the BF's volleyball game, which is kind of far from where I leave, and I got back really late.

And then last night I had a splitting headache when I got home from the soccer game. I'm sure it was just a tension headache from being a little too worked up about the game. (We won 2-1, but the other team had some close chances at the end). Anyway, said headache persisted when I woke up this morning.

So yes, my sleep schedule...totally messed up. Complete sleep fail.

And you know that happens when I sleep weird...apparently I start dreaming about you guys. No kidding, one of you popped up in my dream the other night as a co-worker in my office. It was weiiiiird especially considering the fact that I've never met any of you (except Lindsay and it wasn't her).

I woke up and I was like ummm did that just really happen. But yea I guess it did.

So now I'm even more determined to get my sleep scheduled worked out. I can't be having you guys all pop up in my dreams.

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  1. i've been sleeping all kinds of short hours too this week. not exactly conducive to the increased workout demands I'm also trying to implement this week. oh well, something's got to give. need more sleep.

  2. I found your blog, thanks. I look forward to running with you :).
    Good luck on the sleep thing - it is my nemesis. ugh!
    Happy running weekend!

  3. What was the book?

  4. How funny, dreaming of bloggers!! Scary!

  5. weird dream! i think i had a dream about random bloggers not long ago too - ones i also haven't met. i guess at least it wasn't a nightmare?

    hope you are able to catch up on some sleep this weekend! and i am terrible about late-night reading - if i get into a good book you can't get my nose out of it until i'm done.

  6. Hey!! Just wanted to pop by and say Hi. We are on a "team" for the Holiday Bootie Buster challenge. I already follow your blog, but I look forward to getting to know you better throughout the challenge!!
