
by - Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Last night I managed to some how motivate myself to do the Shred, but I really wasn't feeling any kind of work out at all. I got home from work and wanted to crawl into bed and sleep for hours and hours.

I haven't been getting to bed late lately. Hell this weekend, I didn't go out Friday or Saturday, but for some reason I've been overly tired and not in the mood to work out.

That's no good with two races coming up.

I need to snap myself out of this funk ASAP.

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  1. I hope you feel better soon!!

  2. Good luck snapping out of the funk. I'm in the same position and so far nothing is working!

  3. Don't think past today....just get one run in...

  4. It's that time of year! Motivation is lacking! You probably just dropped it somewhere :-D

  5. I think it's the season. For you peeps north of FL, it gets dark early and it's perpetually cold. Not 2 elements conducive to motivation.

  6. The Shred sounds like a 60's dance

  7. yea that sounds like the winter blues. the body just wants to hibernate. that's why we have to work so hard to stay motivated this time of year. what was that booty buster challenge?

  8. i think it's the weather. or the winter BLAHs. it will pass. eventually.

  9. Sorry to hear you are wiped. I think it's the short days and cold weather catching up with us!

  10. Make some time for a good outside run. The fresh cold air will help. Good luck kicking the funk.
