New Balance Amazing Socks
I want to take a moment to give a big shout out to New Balance for being an awesome sponsor at FitBloggin' over the weekend.
They provided some truly amazing swag to all of us including a pair of very nice running shorts and the most amazing pair of socks I have ever run in.
I kid you not.
These socks are amazing.
They are labeled with an L and R so you know which one goes on which foot. When I slipped my feet into my sneakers and took off on my run the other night, the socks felt heavenly.
I felt absolutely no friction between my foot, the sock and the shoe. Nothing rubbed, the sock didn't move around. I don't see how it would be physically possible to get a blister in these socks. And they wicked sweat wonderfully.
The socks were just incredibly comfortable.
New Balance in no way paid me to say this, but I would recommend these socks to anyone. I actually might go out and buy myself a few more pairs. I love them just that much.