Grilling Turkey Burgers
Garmie arrived yesterday! I had big plans to take him out for his inaugural run, but I had forgotten the whole it would need to charge thing. So instead of running, I popped Garmie into his charger and skimmed through his instruction manual. That thing is big and it's probably going to take me a while to get figure out all of the many functions.
I'm thinking maybe tonight will be the night for Garmie's big debut.
Cooking Challenge:
When I was home in Allentown for my brother's graduation, I dug my old grill out of storage to bring back to DC. I was super excited to use it this week and decided to grill up some turkey burgers.
Grilling just makes everything taste better. Plus I've found that grilling food is so much faster than baking something or even cooking it stovetop. These babies were done in less than 10 minutes.
Mmmm grill marks!What's a burger without some cheese?
I rounded out my plate with half a cantaloupe and some pickles. Yum yum!
I'm trying to come up with some creative grilling ideas for the rest of the summer, got any ideas for me?