Weekend Wrap Up
This weekend was a crazy. I had so much going on: first run with Garmie, my college's roommate's wedding, the end of LOST, the BF heading to Phoenix for work. And now it's Monday and I'm facing my first full week of work since April.
Garmin run:
For the most part it went well. Garmie was able to find satellites fairly quickly and only lost them at one point during the run where I'm kind of in a tunnel for a little bit. As a result, Garmie thinks I ran a five minute per mile pace at some point.
I was happy to see that the total distance Garmie measured was almost exactly the same as what MapMyRun has been telling me for years. Good times.
We couldn't have asked for better weather on Saturday for my college roommate's wedding. It was sunny and beautiful all day, which was perfect because their reception was indoor/outdoor and we got to take advantage of both.

I promise no spoilers. Oh my goodness I can't believe it's over. Seriously. After six years. I have to say, I was pretty satisfied with the ending. It kind of went along with one of the theories I had for a while and seeing it all play out was interesting. The show didn't answer all of my questions, but I think they covered most of the big ones. I'm sad that it's over, but I feel content with the way it wrapped up.
Who's hiring?
Alright y'all, I have a favor to ask. You may all remember that a few weeks ago, my brother graduated. He's been job hunting for the last nine months and although, he's had a few nibbles of interest, nothing has turned itself into a job. So if you know of any one looking to hire a smart, hardworking engineer, please shoot me an email (jess@jessruns.com) and I'll pass the word on the my brother. Thanks bunches!
Happy Monday!