Exciting News
Last year, I was lucky enough to snap up a last minute ticket to Fitbloggin, a conference held in Baltimore for bloggers who write about all aspects of health and fitness.
I had such a blast last year. I learned so much and had the chance to meet so many great bloggers. It's nice to be able to put a real face and a voice to Twitter handles and URLs. Last year's recap.
When Roni announced that registration was open for Fitbloggin' 2011, I snapped up my ticket almost right away.
I'm so looking forward to the conference, seeing old friends and making new ones. This year I'm extra excited though because I will also be speaking!
I'm presenting with Katy and we will be talking about how you can use social media to build your personal brand. We'll be sharing all sorts of tips, tricks and tools we use in our day jobs in social media outreach.
We're just in the brainstorming phase now, but I can already tell our panel is going to be so full of great ideas.
If you've ever thought about attending a blogging conference, I highly recommend Fitbloggin'. It's really amazing having a bunch of like-minded bloggers in a room together discussing health, fitness and blogging.
Have you ever attended a blogging conference? Are you planning on coming to Fitbloggin'? I'd love to know who plans to be there!