Baltimore 10 Miler is a Go

by - Thursday, June 16, 2011

I have been debating for the better part of a month whether I actually wanted to run the Baltimore 10 Miler this Saturday.

Sure I had paid the registration fee back in March, when registration first opened, but after the Frederick Half Marathon, I just felt burnt out on running and training.

Frederick half finish

My initial plan was to take a much more laid back approach to running and do a couple short runs during the week with a long run on the weekends. I figured I'd still be in decent enough shape to run a solid race.

Well life has a funny way to taking our best laid plans and throwing them out the window. After a rather trying month, my running fell completely to the side while I focused my energy on work and some personal things. I've been lucky to get in maybe one run a week, never longer than three or four miles.


But after two really solid runs in Disney World last week, I decided to give the Baltimore 10 Miler a shot. Sure it's not going to be pretty, but I think I can at least finish.

Plus my desire to run and train is slowly starting to come back. I've started looking at fall races and now the thought of getting back to regular running seems much more appealing than it did a few weeks ago.

I'm hoping the Baltimore 10 Miler will be a nice reminder of just how much I love running and racing and will be the spark I need to get back to regular running.

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