Half Way Through Summer

by - Tuesday, July 05, 2011

June was a crazy busy month for me.

I traveled to Disney for a work conference.
Me and Donald

And managed to squeeze in a short run.
Disney running

I ran the Baltimore 10 Miler, and did OK, even though I was terribly under trained.
Baltimore 10 Miler

I watched my first U.S. Men's National soccer team game in D.C.
USMNT game

Then I traveled to Philly for another work trip and only managed to run one day out of the entire trip.
Running in Philly

And just like that, June was over and I was doing my first run of July. June was a fun month, but definitely crazy. I'm looking forward to July being a bit more normal. I don't have a single work trip and I'm hoping to get back to a more consistent running routine this month too.

I can hardly believe summer is half over already. There are still so many things I want to do before fall rolls around, but I'm running out of free weekends. Does anyone else have that problem in the summer? Too much to do, not enough free weekends.

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