A Ridiculously Comprehensive Triathlon Checklist
Yesterday's Meet and Tweet event at Fitness Magazine was amazing and I'll be back with a full recap later.
Blogger girls at lunch
For right now, the biggest thing on my mind is Saturday's triathlon.
I'm trying to be super organized and make sure I have everything ready to go when it comes to gear and transitions.
To help me with that, my training buddy Zach put together a ridiculously comprehensive list of things I should remember for each part of the race. I thought I'd share because it's actually really well thought out and organized and it is helping me make sense of things.
Bike racking/Transition Setup:
- Rack your bike with the front wheel facing outward. During T2, rack your bike front-wheel first. Transition areas get crowded, and not having to turn your bike around saves time.
- Check the air in your tires. Inflate them if needed.
- Put your [brightly-colored and easy to spot] transition mat on your dominant side. I went to Walmart and bought $3 worth of very obnoxious neon yellow felt. You can see it from space.
- Rack your bike in the proper gear to pedal when starting at the "bike mount" line.
- I put some baby powder in my shoes and a little Body Glide on the outer edges of my shoes (since I won't be wearing socks)(Note from Jess: I will be wearing socks).
- Make sure everything that needs to go with you on the bike is attached to the bike (water bottles in cages, nutrition stored, co2/Vittoria/tire levers/spare tube/patches in bag, helmet and sunglasses on handlebars, race belt looped over seat).
- Put your gloves/shoes/socks/beloved Garmin at the edge of your mat.
- Everything you need for the run (shoes, nutrition, water bottle, hat) and anything else you might need should be neatly laid out on your mat.
- Put an open bottle of water on your mat. You'll use it later on to rinse off your feet.
- At least once, start at the entrance of T1 and walk/jog to your bike. Make sure you know how many rows you pass before you get to your row, and how far in your bike is. I usually think of it as rows and columns.
- Grab your goggles, wetsuit, and swim cap. Take everything else out of transition.
- Safety pin your chip strap. This way it can't be ripped off during any swim contact.
- Put your goggles on before your swim cap. Again, less chance you'll lose them if someone kicks you.
- If you're putting on sunscreen, do it after you've been body marked.
- Leave ample time to get into the wetsuit, but don't change so early that you're taking it off again to go to the bathroom.
- TriSlide spray is a lifesaver when it comes to reducing chafing and making the wetsuit easier to get on and off.
Swim to bike (T-1):
- Unzip the back of your wetsuit while running into transition.
- Before pulling your arms out, take off your swim cap and goggles. While you're pulling your arm through, let them go. They'll store themselves nicely in your wetsuit sleeve.
- First things first: lose the wetsuit (don't worry about folding it, but make sure it's contained in your area).
- Sunglasses, then helmet. (Having the sunglasses under the helmet straps means you don't have to take them off when removing the helmet off in T-2).
- Race belt/bib (different races have different rules. Some don't require you to wear your race bib on the bike).
- Rinse your feet using the open water bottle you stashed while racking. You want to get rid of anything your wet feet picked up during the run into transition.
- Socks/Shoes/Gloves/Garmin (In a short race, some people don't bother with socks or bike gloves. It can take a while to get dry socks on wet feet. If you're using clipless pedals, you can save time by having the shoes clipped/rubber banded in position on the bike.)
- Make sure everything is contained within your transition area.
- Grab your bike and run to "Bike Out."
- Get on your bike only after having passed the "mount" line.
Bike to run:
- Make sure you're off your bike before crossing the "dismount" line.
- Run back to your area, and re-rack your bike.
- Take off your helmet/gloves (if you wore them), put on your hat/visor (if you wear one).
- Grab your water bottle or Fuelbelt and any nutrition you're taking during the run.
- Run to "Run Out."