
Something is Better Than Nothing

by - Thursday, January 31, 2013

Yesterday was kind of a crazy day for me. Between my 9-5 job and teaching at night and needing to drop my car for an oil change (and a very unexpected brake repair), I knew my chances of fitting in a run of any sort of substance were pretty nonexistent.

Luckily, I was at least working from home yesterday, so I was able to throw on my running clothes and knock out some of my errands on foot.

I drove my car up to the garage, threw my license and credit card in my sports bra, and after dropping the car off with the mechanic, ran the several blocks back home.

It was nothing more than a 10 minute run at the max, but it was something.

And I did the trip in reverse when I had to go pick the car up. Running back to the garage was all uphill, so even though the workout was super short, I managed to squeeze in some unintentional hill work.

I was able to get up, get the blood flowing and take care of all the other stuff I needed to get done.

It wasn't much, and I certainly wouldn't call it a full-blown workout, but it was better than nothing and on some days that's all we can manage.

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  1. We're lucky to have a great mechanic only a block from my house. The block is all uphill, so we can't push the car there, but it does make it easy to drop off the car and walk home.

  2. Thanks. This is exactly what I needed to read today. I've been really busy lately, and I've fallen super behind on homework (I'm in college), and I was feeling kind of down because I didn't think I'd have time to fit in the workout I'd planned for today. And although I probably won't be able to do the workout I had planned, I do intend to get in 2-3 miles if I can.

  3. I totally understand. Rehabbing from runner's knee right now. I've been doing physical therapy and orthopedic massage. I'm much better but not 100%. I wish I could run more than a mile or half a mile at a time. But 1 mile is better than nothing at all. :(

  4. Gotta fit it in when you can...you never know what life is going to throw you!
