
Remember When I Was a Distance Runner?

by - Monday, February 25, 2013

Remember back a few months ago when I was a long distance runner, and I used to blog about long runs and training plans and marathons and half marathons.

I was all "OMG yay running! It's just the best!"

Took my new Saucony #virrata shoes out on their first run today. Love them! #findyourstrong

Well I still think running is just the best, but man, winter has sapped all motivation to run anything longer than a few miles at a time.

I figured I'd bounce back from my foot injury and be all excited to start building my mileage again. But that didn't happen.

Who wants to spend hours outside in the bitter cold and wind?

Woke up to a little bit of snow and the chance to work from home today.

Not me. That's for sure.

But, you might recall back in December how thrilled I was to get accepted in the lottery for the Nike Women's Half Marathon in DC.


Well friends, that race is slowly creeping up on us. I believe we're about two months out at this point, and my longest run since my foot injury has been a whopping five miles.

That's not really going to cut it to get me across the finish line in April.

So I think it's time to dust off some training plans, break out the Gatorade and Gu, and start getting back into a training groove.

Last monument run with Evan

I'm running Nike just for fun, so I'm not concerned about times. My training plan will probably be on the lighter side.

I have a lot on my plate right now between my real job, my teaching gig, CrossFit and several other commitments, so I need a training plan that can accommodate all that. I'm not going to set myself up for failure by tackling some super ambitious plan.

I'm thinking three days of running per week with two days of CrossFit should give me the fitness base I need to cross the finish line feeling good.

I haven't finalized the details of the training plan yet, but I'm hoping to do that this week, and then I'll make sure to share it.

Does winter sap your motivation to run long distances?

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  1. I totally feel you! I got accepted for the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler and getting out there on cold weekends is just the worst. I think I might take a break from running for the summer after this race and just focus on yoga and strength training, because I'm feeling like my running mojo is zapped.

  2. I tend to plan for spring marathons to keep me going all winter long. Seems like 3 runs & 2 crossfit wods will have you very well prepared. Good call!

  3. Winter can be such a hard time to train...at first, I'm all like, "LOOK AT ME, I'M HARD CORE," but now I'm just dreaming of warmer weather and runs without wind that try to blow me side ways...
