
The Best, Most Fun Workout Ever

by - Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I know, with a title like that, I must have one heck of a workout for you guys right?

Welllll how does spending 90 minutes jumping on trampolines at a giant trampoline park sound?


If it sounds like the best, most fun workout ever, well you'd be right!

So apparently, giant trampoline parks are a thing, and over the weekend, my college roommates and I got together to try out Skyzone -- a trampoline park that opened recently in Columbia, Md.

We bought a 90-minute block of time in advance (it cost about $20), and all we had to do when we showed up on Sunday was sign a waiver, listen to a brief presentation on the rules and put on our fancy jumping socks.


Then we were set free to either jump on the wall-to-wall trampolines, flip off trampolines into a giant foam pit, show off our sweet moves on the basketball court or play dodgeball on trampolines.

Wall-to-wall trampolines

Randyl has sweet ups

I think the only thing we didn't do was dodgeball. There were lots of kids parties that day, and they had booked the dodgeball room.

I was pretty OK with that though, it left us plenty of time to play on all the other trampolines.

Chris catching some air before landing in the foam pit

Skyzone definitely draws a ton of kids and families. On the day we were there, we were definitely in the minority compared to all the little kids running around. But as we were walking out, I did see Skyzone offers trampoline workout classes, so it's not just a place for kids and families. I just imagine on a weekend afternoon, that's probably the biggest draw.

Emily with a slam dunk

By the end of our 90 minutes, we were all dripping in sweat and huffing and puffing. All the jumping was a killer workout.

Our crew: Chris, Randyl, Laurie, Ronnie, me and Emily

Overall we had a great time trying out Skyzone. It was definitely something fun and different to do, and if there's a giant trampoline park near you, I highly recommend you try it out!

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  1. Emily6:03 AM

    Woohoo! Photo evidence I can dunk a basketball! I don't want to hear any of you haters again.

  2. That looks like fun. We have a place like that 10 minutes from our house called Launch. I haven't been before but I might like to try it some day.

  3. that looks awesome!!! :-D

  4. This looks like tons of fun! I wish we had one closer to where I live. I think the closest one is about 2 hours. Bummer!

  5. good picture, i think sporty with trampoline to happy it and make body still of health and fit

  6. No doubt about it, even jumping up and down on the trampoline burns so many calories and is fun to no end!

    I have started a review site based on trampoline reviews, helping people find good trampolines which are safe as well as fun, let me know what you think :)


  7. I have never seen a photo of people with serious face expressions jumping on a trampoline. Trampolines are just too fun! :)

  8. I've never seen such a wonderful images. The expressions in their face when they are jumping in the trampoline is amazing.
