Presidents Day Weekend Odds and Ends

by - Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Hi friends!

Things got a little crazy at the end of last week with some work and school deadlines, and I kind of fell off the face of the Earth on the blogging front.

So I figured I'd do a quick catch up on my Presidents Day weekend shenanigans.

We've been in some horrible arctic freeze in DC lately, where the highs are in the single digits, and with wind chills the temps are in the negatives. It makes me want to pick up and move to Florida.

But the crappy weather has at least given me an excuse to spend time inside focusing on homework.

Well this weather is clearly on board with me staying home and working on homework all day.

I knocked out two big assignments this weekend and for half a second felt caught up on life. It was a glorious feeling.

Given the crappy weather, I've also been doing all my running on the dreadmill.

Given the frigid temps this weekend going to be spending lots of time on the dreadmill

I've done two three milers and a six miler so far. The six was the farthest I've run in an embarrassingly long time, and I was actually surprisingly sore the next day. Stringing three runs together over the course of four days is also the most consistent I've been with running in months.

Saturday morning sweatfest

It's all part of a plan of attack I've got for surviving the rest of this semester and not abandoning all my runs. I'm going to attempt to implement it this week, and I'll let you know how it goes.

In other long weekend highlights:

I treated myself to a massage yesterday to work out the stress in my upper back. It was 110 percent what the doctor ordered.

After the last few weeks of all the stress, this was just what the doctor ordered

I spent Valentine's Day at the Sam Hunt concert with Emily, Ryan and Casey. He was a-mazing.

Spent Valentines Day with this guy @samhuntmusic

Last night, we had a farewell happy hour for one of my very good friends who is moving to Japan for two years for a new job. While I'm super excited for Scott's cool new opportunity, I wish Japan was not half a world away.

Bittersweet night. Super excited for Scott's new adventure in Japan, but hard to say goodbye to one of my closest friends.

And that's all I've got. Government buildings are closed today because of the snow so I get to work from home. If you need me, this is where you'll find me:

What a government "snow day" looks like. The buildings might be closed, but the work still happens.

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  1. Massages are ALWAYS what the doctor ordered! :)
