Initial Thoughts About This Semester and Half Training
- Wednesday, August 26, 2015
So we're about 10 days into the start of the new semester and half marathon training. Here are some initial thoughts on both.

Half Marathon Training

So that's what I've got going on now. Other than that quick freak out yesterday, things actually seem pretty manageable at the moment. I know my one class is going to get a lot more time-intensive later in the semester, and that definitely makes me nervous, but right now, I'm still managing to keep everything in check.

- I'm taking two classes this semester: Organizational Leadership and Change and Strategic Analysis in the Competitive Environment.
- One of my classes seems awesome. Ones seems terrifyingly hard.
- I've only had one minor panic attack about how I'm going to balance everything this semester. Said freak out was yesterday at work, while I thought about all the huge work projects I have coming up there too.
- In the leadership class we took a personality survey thing (similar to Meyers-Briggs/Strengthsfinders, etc for those familiar with them). I always enjoy those because I find them to be creepily accurate for the most part.
- I scored off-the-charts high on extraversion. I'm sure this surprises no one.
Half Marathon Training

- Following a less intense plan was definitely the way to go this time around.
- Last week, we had a bunch of really humid days, which made even short runs miserable.
- This week, the humidity has taken a vacation and running in the mornings has been pretty pleasant.
- I've been doing my shorter weekday runs without my Garmin. It's nice not to worry about how fast or slow I'm going.
I still wear Garmin for my weekend long runs though. - Last weekend's long run was six miles. I should have eaten beforehand since I had a really early dinner the night before. That was a fail, and I went sloooooow as a result.
- When football season starts in 10 days, I'm going to have to figure out a different time to do my long runs since Saturdays will be occupied with tailgating. TBD on when that will be.
So that's what I've got going on now. Other than that quick freak out yesterday, things actually seem pretty manageable at the moment. I know my one class is going to get a lot more time-intensive later in the semester, and that definitely makes me nervous, but right now, I'm still managing to keep everything in check.