I Ran!

by - Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Two blog posts in a week! What is this craziness?

I'm in a weirdly good mood tonight because I was able to stop work at a normal time and get outside for a run in this absolutely perfect DC weather.


The run was nothing to write home about, slow, with a bunch of walking mixed in, but it was so nice outside that I ended up going for way longer than expected and covered just shy of five miles. Purely because I just wanted to be outside. (Emphasis on lots of walking. After only running one or two other times this month, I was not able to magically pull a five-miler out of my butt).

But today was good because I forced myself to stop working at a normal time. I feel like it's the first time in ages I've been able to do that and not feel like I was going to fall really far behind on a project. (We just launched a pretty big project this week at work, that I'm excited about too, so whee!)

It also helps that because the Nuclear Summit is in town this week, I'm working from home the remainder of the week. I tend to be able to balance things a bit better when I can work from home more frequently during the week. So #ThanksObama for that extra telework time this week.

Yes, I still have some homework I need to work on tonight, but that's OK. That's what happens when you are working full time and going to school part time.

Anyway, that's all I've got for today. I ran. It was great. Having balance is a good thing.

Seven more days til Japan!

Got my travel book and my Tokyo metro card (courtesy of my lovely co-worker). All set to jet off to Japan next week with @mcadigan12

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  1. Fred and Tina3:10 PM

    Nice! Glad to hear running is back in the cards! Hopefully things will continue to settle down for you! Have a wonderful time in Japan! Congrats again on authoring a most excellent Snapchat guide! :)
