
St. Pat's 5K 2016 Recap

by - Monday, March 14, 2016

Last Sunday, I ran the St. Pat's 5K in DC, my first run since I got bronchitis in February.

I had originally signed up to run the Double -- the 5K, immediately followed by the 10K. But after three weeks of no running and still having a lingering cough if I exerted myself too much, I decided it was smarter to just drop down to the 5K.


My friend Meghan was supposed to run with me, but she took a brutal hit in her flag football game on Saturday that sidelined her for the race, but she still came out to watch (plus we had brunch plans for afterward, and no one turns out down brunch!)

The race itself went OK. I obviously didn't have very high expectations given the circumstances, but I really love this race course. It's flat and it's pretty. You run right down Independence Avenue and then loop around the Tidal Basin, so you get to see a decent number of monuments.

I felt pretty good through the first mile, but I could tell by mile two, that I was nowhere near my best running condition. My lungs were actually doing better than I thought they would, but my legs, ehhh not so much.

I managed to finish without walking, in a time of 29:45, so definitely slower than my norm, but hey, at least I was able to finish! These days that counts as a major accomplishment.

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  1. Warren5:42 PM

    I'm sorry I missed seeing you at the race. I waddled the 5K. I had been sick and it was my first run of any type in 3 weeks since that "brisk" run in February that we survived.

    We have to admit that this year's St Pat's was so much more comfortable than last year's ordeal.

  2. Fred and Tina6:38 PM

    It was a nice day for a run. Great effort Jess and under 30 minutes! Love the brunch reference! :)
