An Update on the Foot Situation
- Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Well friends depending on how you look at it, I either got good news or bad news about my foot last week.

If we're looking at it as good news, my foot isn't broken. The X-ray was clean. There's no stress fracture and my doctor things I should still be able to train for and run the half marathon in March.

If we're looking at it as bad news, I have a stress reaction injury in my second metatarsal -- basically right under the ball of my foot. This means it's extremely painful for me to put any weight on it. I have to take a full two weeks off all activity and wear a walking boot.
I can start walking around my house without the boot on next week to see how things go, and I can begin introducing nonimpact cross-training if that goes well. I have another appointment with my doctor in four weeks to see if I can re-introduce running at that point.

Given that my half marathon training was going so well, I'm kind of annoyed. But my doctor thinks if I can keep up the cardio volume starting in a couple of weeks that I will still be able to do the race. I'm a little nervous about that since I had some pretty important long runs coming up, and I don't love the idea of trying to simulate those on an elliptical but I guess we'll see what happens.
Right now, my foot hurts too much to put any weight on it. Assuming it's in a better place next week, I'll start elliptical and other non-impact workouts, and we'll just go from there.

If we're looking at it as good news, my foot isn't broken. The X-ray was clean. There's no stress fracture and my doctor things I should still be able to train for and run the half marathon in March.

If we're looking at it as bad news, I have a stress reaction injury in my second metatarsal -- basically right under the ball of my foot. This means it's extremely painful for me to put any weight on it. I have to take a full two weeks off all activity and wear a walking boot.
I can start walking around my house without the boot on next week to see how things go, and I can begin introducing nonimpact cross-training if that goes well. I have another appointment with my doctor in four weeks to see if I can re-introduce running at that point.

Given that my half marathon training was going so well, I'm kind of annoyed. But my doctor thinks if I can keep up the cardio volume starting in a couple of weeks that I will still be able to do the race. I'm a little nervous about that since I had some pretty important long runs coming up, and I don't love the idea of trying to simulate those on an elliptical but I guess we'll see what happens.
Right now, my foot hurts too much to put any weight on it. Assuming it's in a better place next week, I'll start elliptical and other non-impact workouts, and we'll just go from there.