Running in Perfect Fall Weather
- Wednesday, October 24, 2018
DC has finally transitioned to fall, and the weather has been glorious.

You wouldn't know it's fall by the colors of the leaves though. I took this picture on my walk home from work last night. The trees still look like it's summertime.
I've been taking advantage of the cooler temperatures to increase my running frequency.
Remember a few weeks ago when I said I was finding the balance between barre classes and running -- that sweet spot where my hip was happy?
Well I think I might be on the right track.
I'm transitioning from 3-4 barre classes and 1 run per week to two barre classes and two runs per week. My hip doesn't hate it and so far, I'm doing an OK job juggling the workouts and other stuff in my schedule.
My runs are slow and steady, typically still with a little bit of walking mixed in. But the weather has been so perfect lately that I've been really enjoying running again.
It's the first time in a long time I can say that.
I've also had some success finding new running routes that generally feel pretty safe. The last few weeks I've been doing my runs after work, which isn't my preference. But when I'm experimenting with new routes, I like when there's solid daylight, so I don't find myself somewhere questionable when it's dark and there is no one else around.
I think the handful of new routes that I've run will be OK even in the early morning, pre-dawn hours. I'll still be doing those runs without music so I can always be aware of what's going on around me, but I don't think I will be unsafe.
So as long as my hip keeps cooperating and I establish a somewhat consistent workout schedule, running a 5K in December should be a realistic goal.

You wouldn't know it's fall by the colors of the leaves though. I took this picture on my walk home from work last night. The trees still look like it's summertime.
I've been taking advantage of the cooler temperatures to increase my running frequency.
Remember a few weeks ago when I said I was finding the balance between barre classes and running -- that sweet spot where my hip was happy?
Well I think I might be on the right track.
I'm transitioning from 3-4 barre classes and 1 run per week to two barre classes and two runs per week. My hip doesn't hate it and so far, I'm doing an OK job juggling the workouts and other stuff in my schedule.
My runs are slow and steady, typically still with a little bit of walking mixed in. But the weather has been so perfect lately that I've been really enjoying running again.
It's the first time in a long time I can say that.
I've also had some success finding new running routes that generally feel pretty safe. The last few weeks I've been doing my runs after work, which isn't my preference. But when I'm experimenting with new routes, I like when there's solid daylight, so I don't find myself somewhere questionable when it's dark and there is no one else around.
I think the handful of new routes that I've run will be OK even in the early morning, pre-dawn hours. I'll still be doing those runs without music so I can always be aware of what's going on around me, but I don't think I will be unsafe.
So as long as my hip keeps cooperating and I establish a somewhat consistent workout schedule, running a 5K in December should be a realistic goal.